Wednesday, September 22, 2010


As the fall unpacks her things for an extended stay, the mercury settles a little lower with each 
passing day. It was a punishing summer and I trust I am not alone in welcoming the fall. 
With it comes, the first indications of the true state of our fishery. 

Juvenile redfish spend the first four or five years of their lives packing on the pounds, gorging 
themselves in the shallow salt marshes. Once they've reached a good fighting weight, they light 
out like blue water prodigals only to be heard from over the holidays...
or spawn as it were. 

The little-leaguers that summered in the marshes had it pretty good this year. With local shrimpers and 
crabbers manning skimmer boats, the resident redfish got fat and happy on grass shrimp and blue crab.
However, November is inching closer and with it the return of the breeding stock. You may have a good 
idea of the drama to come if you've ever gone off to summer camp and come home to find your little 
brother can kick your ass.

A number of the guides I've spoken with fear it may be 4-5 years before we begin to see the real fallout 
of the split. I'm guessing BP might be out of checks by that point. 

Let's hope not.


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